Lesson Plans and Notes

The four quick classroom plans listed below will help students start or end a lesson using information accessed in the Electric Universe.

Extra classroom materials, suggested grade levels, approximate time frames, and selected metacognitive strategies emphasized are noted in each plan.

Lesson 1 – Things that Bump, Whirr, Buzz, or Ting!

Use brainstorming techniques to identify items that use electricity.

Lesson 2 – What Would you Do If…

Reinforces ideas behind electrical safety rules presented in the Electric Universe.

Lesson 3 – What Do You Think Happens Next?

Effective after discussions/research of famous inventors and inventions; reinforces the importance of electricity in the lives of students.

Lesson 4 – Creative Thinking

How many varied and unusual ways can you think of to…? Engages students in imaginative and creative thinking; lends itself to “invention conventions” or brain “olympiads” where students use found objects to construct a product.

Lesson Notes

These colorful and downloadable PDFs are perfect handouts to enhance classroom discussion.

Moving Electrons with a Magnet

Look at the forces that make up a magnetic field.

Understand Circuits

Examines the streams of electrons flowing through everyday items such as batteries and toasters.

Electric Conductors and Insulators

Discusses how the flow of electrons makes up electricity.

For Middle School and Older

A multi-page comprehensive look at magnetism and electricity.

Certificates and worksheets

This is a picture of a sample certificateDownload and print this PDF document to use as a classroom exercise:

Electrical Safety Worksheet

Download and print these PDF documents to distribute when students have completed the safety unit.

Louie’s Space Certificate

New Frontiers Certificate

Safety Pledge